Wednesday 30 July 2008

On preparations afoot and other matters

Well, I am sort of packed and ready, for a sufficiently large value of packed and ready. There are still two workdays to go and as I need a certain percentage of my biking gear to go to work, it hasn't been packed in my touring panniers bags. Actually, in theory, I could bike to work without rain gear or my tool kit but that would bring Mr. Murphy and his laws into the equation.

As I packed, I was very grateful that I thought to write in my note book what I left in Le Bic with my bike. If I hadn't I would be much more worried than I am right now. When I was staying in Le Bic, it came to my attention that my hosts didn't have any laundry baskets. I therefore bought them three to given them as house presents on my return. In addition, they should make taking my load of clobber on the bus much more manageable.
In other news, I was in North Hatley on the weekend and had the opportunity to take this photograph of someone who was just back from her first vacation in Le Bic. Her first vacation ever for that matter.
I think that no one could believe that my niece is underfed!!! Actually, babies are babies and my mother said that my brother (i.e. my niece's father) was quite chubby at her age. He grew up to be even skinnier than I am.

I was watching Pete Seeger : the Power of Song on DVD last night. The more I learn about the man, the more I am impressed. Of course, the documentary is quite openly the "authorized biography" version of events, given that one of the producers was Toshi Seeger, Pete's wife of over sixty years. Given she has stood by him through thick and thin, it would be very surprising that there would be much harsh criticism of him. In fact, it wouldn't be far from the truth to say that some of the harshest criticism of him comes in the form of saying that she put up with a lot in order to further his ideals. Nonetheless, the documentary was about a very gifted and noble individual, so in many respects there is relatively little to critique. It was, however, notable that there was little about Bob Dylan going electric at the Newport festival.

I now feel obligated to come up with a biking folk song while on the journey.

1 comment:

Victor Chisholm said...

Best luck with the rest of your trip - have fun!